Tier One - Legal Directory Submissions Guide 2024

5 • Showcasing your reputation and expertise, enhancing a firm's global presence, and helping to build a positive reputation. • Being an independent and objective verification of your abilities in the market. • Serving as a valuable third-party endorsement with usable quotes for tenders and marketing collateral. • Publicly championing the achievements and success of senior and junior lawyers on transactions and cases as they continue to celebrate or build their career. • Raising the profile of a law firm. Typically low key in the business media and news, legal directories are an outlet to broadcast law firms’ fields of activity. • Being useful for brochures, pitches, press releases, other award submissions, advertising, social media, and more. • Acting as a tool to benchmark yourselves. Firms can use legal directories to gain insights into market trends, competitor strengths and weaknesses, and client preferences – potentially valuable information for strategic planning and business development. • Being an advantage in driving lawyer recruitment – lateral hires, new hires, summer interns in fierce competition for the brightest legal talent of tomorrow. While directories are rarely the biggest factor that influences buyer behavior, many surveys of GCs do show that directories play a crucial role in helping them to select or confirm their desired legal partner. The most worthwhile legal directories A new style of directory emerged with the birth of Chambers & Partners and Legal 500, both requesting law firms to prepare written submissions to showcase their achievements. As systems for collating data became more sophisticated, these firms continued to pull clear of many rivals. Both Lee and Eleni at Nishlis worked as researchers and in senior roles as editors, among other roles, at Chambers and Partners, which today ranks over 80,000 lawyers and law firms by practice area in almost 200 jurisdictions. The Chambers/Legal 500 formula has been successful for the past three decades – in spite of the arrival of competition – not relying on gravitas and reputation, sufficiently agile to expand the number of guides, events, and awards and are constantly adding new products and services. Further directories of this type emerged, many focused on a particular industry or practice area. There is also Global Competition Review, Infrastructure Journal, Benchmark Litigation, IAM Patent 1000, IP Stars, WIPR, World Tax, and other emerging players.