11 Awards: So many – what is the point? Awards are indeed distinct from directories to some extent, but are often produced by the same publishers and draw on the same resources. Like the rankings themselves, there are also many credible awards, as well as some meaningless ones. The most credible will shine a light on the firm in a very public way, demonstrating the excellence you strive for, celebrating the achievements of teams of lawyers, a boost to morale and a useful recruitment tool. There are many awards catering to almost every legal practice, industry, and market. The Financial Times “Innovative Lawyers” has blazed a trail but there are many worthwhile ones to consider, each with their own criteria, timeframes and independent panels of judges. Awards include: • Mergermarket Awards • IFLR Awards • Asia Legal Business Awards • Infrastructure Journal Awards • LMG Life Sciences Awards • The Lawyer Awards • Women in Business Law Awards Outside of legal publishing, most industry sectors have a healthy trade press. As well as covering news and features, many produce an annual survey or supplement akin to a directory — and they will often include lawyers. While the circulations of such journals and magazines are lower than the more comprehensive, multipractice, multi-country directories, their