December Edition 2019

29 Robert Henoch Examines Potential for FCPA Enforcement Actions into Israel in Haaretz - Kobre & Kim Kobre & Kim lawyer and former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor Robert Henoch spoke with the independent Israeli newspaper Haaretz to explain the function and application of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in cases of suspected bribery . Read more. Rental Cap on Berlin Residences - DWF The Berlin Senate, on 22 October 2019 decided to introduce legislation to stop the rental price development for residential properties (“Properties”) in Berlin for a period of five years. The Act on the limitation of rents (“Gesetz zur Neuregelung gesetzlicher Vorschriften zur Mietenbegrenzung”, the “Act“) is supposed to come in force in January 2020 and shall have a duration of five years. After certain restrictions on increases of residential property rents (“Mietpreisbremse”) introduced by the federal legislator in 2015, the Act, which affects approx. 1.5 million Properties in Berlin, goes far beyond federal legislation . Read more. Medical Cannabis in Germany - DWF Since March 2017, physicians in Germany can prescribe cannabis as a medicine for serious illnesses. The demand for medical cannabis products in Germany is still high andat present (September 2019) there are about 40,000 to 50,000 patients receiving medical cannabis in German y. Read more. New Foreign Investment Restrictions on the Horizon in Tech, Infrastructure and Data - Fox Rothschild U.S. companies in tech, infrastructure and data seeking foreign investment will requireapproval fromtheCommitteeonForeign Investment intheUnited States (CFIUS) before closing certain transactions. Last year, President Trump signed into law the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (FIRRMA), which outlined the expansion of CFIUS jurisdiction to review certain foreign acquisitions and investments in U. S. Read more. Data Privacy and Bias Concerns in AI Health Tech - Fox Rothschild Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) refers to algorithm tools that simulate human intelligence, mimic human actions, and can incorporate self-learning software. The benefits of AI tech can reduce spending, provide alternative treatment ideas, and improve patient experience, diagnosis, and outcome. Read more.