September Edition 2020
41 MWE’ s New York partne r, Gary Emmanuel a dds: The US capital markets believe that remain thebest resource in theworld for equity financing, andwe iving theirg this will be the case going forward. Governments need to lead by constituents clear and honest assessments of the situation and developing a consistent path for moving forward. Gowling’s Fink : Th eoutlookfor IPremainsrobust. Technological developments in Artificial I ntelligence, healthcare, andhost of other a reaswill continue to drive business value for our Israeli clients. These developments will continue to require strategic approaches to registe r, maintain, enforce and exploit the associated Intellectual Propert y. As Israeli companies look tomarkets abroad, likeCanada, their IPwill remain a key requirement for success. But a s Waldman at Freshfields re minds us: We’re just lawyers, we’ll leave that one for theprophets.