September Edition 2020
39 missing in our new world where uncertainty reigns. Clients are, more than ever, looking for legal professionals to demonstrate dependability and flexibility. In addition, the work we are being expected to deliver has to be very efficient and cost-effective, as well as tailored for a client’s specific and evolving needs. Morris at Bryan Cave : I think clients have generally shown great understanding during what has been a tough time for everyone. If the technology has failed or someonehasneededto juggleparental responsibilitieswithworkcommitments, no-one has complained. On the whole, the crisis has brought out the best in people and we have got to know each other much better as individuals. Lustman at DLA : I w ouldn’t say they have specifically changed, as the demand for responsiveness and top-notch quality is always there, but there is a general feeling of uncertainty in the air for all of us, and I think providing the comfort that we are always here for our clients, whenever they need us, understanding what their specific challenges are, and making sure we are empathetic, goes a long way. We have also sent some care packages to a number of clients during this period as a small gesture of our feelings towards them and to help put a smile on their faces (which doesn’t always happen when lawyers are in the picture). In terms of government support, there is certainly no immediate solution or quick fix, but ongoing government aid provided swiftly and in a measured amount is critical, coupled by whatever tax abatement is possible. We saw the PPP in the US inject trillions of dollars into the economy, and much of that was focused on employment-related compensation. While the program and its implementation certainly had issues, the money was provided very quickly (upon completion of a fairly simplified application), and it allowed millions of employees to keep their jobs for several additional months. Now the debate ensues as to how much additional money should be provided. Certainly, no easy answer, but government support and empathy is required globally. Crisis has brought out best in people Empathy goes a long way - especially from Government