September Edition 2020
36 Daniel Turgel , L ondon partner at White & Case and a major figure in its Israel team, added: We are seeing a lot of activity in technology, life sciences and retail (especially e-commerce) with Covid-accelerated digital transition providing opportunities for every industry. Lustman at DLA a dds: The good news is that some areas have been able to start moving forward, and have even seen much success, during this crisis. One example is the healthcare industry, which has been strained due to limited healthcare resources worldwide and the significant threat to the health and safety of our frontline healthcare workers. Telehealth technologies have emerged as a powerful tool to connect patients with vital services while reducing in-person interactions that can spread the coronavirus. Although many of these changes have taken place on an emergency, time-limited basis, legislative and administrative policymakers, especially in the US, are now evaluating which telehealth provisions can be retained as we shift from crisis mode into ongoing management. Both providers and patients have come to appreciate the convenience and speed with which healthcare services are delivered virtually. Although traditional healthcare services will certainly resume to a degree post-pandemic, telehealth isn’t going away and will only continue to grow. Another example is cybersecurity. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations around the world had to quickly mobilize and move to remote work platforms. Remote work programs that normally would be designed, tested and implemented incrementally over an extended period were being operationalized for entire workforces of many companies with no period of planning or adjustment. Working remotely presents unique cybersecurity challenges to the employer, the employee and the supply chain, especially when being done for the first time in a rapidly changing environment. Companies have turned to cybersecurity experts and consultants to help them manage their cyber risk, which includes balancing the productivity of a workforce with ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of the company’s own systems and data, as well as that of their supply chain. The coronavirus has forced companies to reevaluate the importance of cybersecurity to ensure that their online users and sensitive information are safe, and this industry will only continue to grow. Life Sciences, E-Commerce, Telehealth and cybersecurity Experiencing Momentum