September Edition 2020

35 Waldman at Freshfields : W ith most of our clients, their concerns are very much the same as they were pre-pandemic but they have become more acute—running and growing a successful business is more difficult for most clients in the current environment. Among the most pressing issues we’re seeing: supply chain pressures; stock price fluctuations, debt covenants and financing; disclosure questions; and employment and compliance issues. Yisrael Hiller , L itigation partner at Asserson: Property-related litigation is on the rise. We are seeing increased numbers of disputes between tenants and landlords both in the larger, commercial context and in the smaller, residential context. Litigation between joint venturers, partners and associated entities/shareholders is also mounting. Financing has become more restricted due to economic uncertainties arising out of COVID-19. This has, in turn, led to failing ventures and disputes between partners where ventures rely on continuing investment or financing. Many of these disputes are now leading to litigation where in the past the parties might have sought to resolve matters at a slower pace – parties no longer have the same trust or patience and are more keen to secure their position or enforce security through litigation. Susannah Fink i s head of the Israel desk at Gowling WLG: Our data shows that the number of patents and trademarks filed by Gowling in relation to Israel-related work, remains stable since the start of the pandemic. These uncertain times are having a large impact on actual revenue as well as its predictability. For many clients, they are concerned about maintaining their intellectual property protection efficiently and with cost containment. They are looking at strategies to do more with less. We are crafting new strategies to postpone where we can and take minimal but appropriate steps otherwise to help them achieve these goals. Supply chain pressures and financing among the pressing issues for clients. What are their other concerns? Property litigation is climbing