September Edition 2020

We are excited to present you with a special edition of IsraelDesks, featuring our recently published Legally Israel 100 - IsraelDesks league tables. We showcase those lawfirmswith a strongpipelineof Israel-relatedwork,aswell as thepioneering lawyers at the heart of it.We also speak with those global law firms and lawyers at the top of their game - and our rankings - as they share their insights, hopes, and Israel success stories during this unprecedented journey through the Coronavirus pandemic. We also discuss with the seasoned international law firm, Sheppard Mullin COVID- 19's changing impact on the M&A market, learning what steps clients need to take as they look for opportunities,and in such a climate,we alsoexamineMergermarket's H1 2020 transactional activity. IsraelDesks is our bi-monthly magazine focused on bringing Israeli law firms and international lawfirms with Israel Desks closer together. Innovative and international in outlook, this magazine focuses on the cutting-edge sectors, looks at increasingly prominent jurisdictions, get to know prominent General Counsel, and introduces you to who you need to know to help your clients. Lee Saunders, Editor IsraelDesks LEGAL MARKETING SETTING THE BENCHMARK WISHING YOU A HAPPIER, BETTER AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR