July Edition 2024

32 Cyber, AI and SaaS are among those most successful in securing early-stage financing Dr. Ayal at Goldfarb, Gross, Seligman: “B2B software startups, especially in trendy segments, such as cybersecurity and AI, are more likely to secure early financing, among other things due to their relatively clear market penetration and go-to-market strategies. They are also more likely to reach the market metrics and KPIs for Series A financings. I have particularly enjoyed watching the growth of Axonius, Inc., a cyber-security Unicorn, and Next Silicon Ltd., an HPC Unicorn, which I have had the pleasure and honor to represent since their inception.” Roy at EBN adds: “The most attractive sectors are, of course, cyber, as well as AI and also fintech. The factors that contribute to the startups’ success in securing financing are (in addition to the sector) the strength and background of the founding team. Teams that include veterans of an elite technological IDF units are very attractive, as well as the combined strength of the founding team that should include managerial and technological skills as well as marketing skills. Also, second timers in the team are a big advantage. I have enjoyed watching the trajectories of Wiz, Guesty, Simulate, DeciAi, Arbe Robotics, AiDoc.” OurCrowd’s Tzahi adds: “The most successful types of early-stage startups in the current climate are SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and AI. The leading sectors are cybersecurity, fintech and enterprise software, which often attract early-stage investors due to their scalability and potential for disruption. Startups focusing on renewable energy, sustainability and environmental solutions also appeal to investors interested in both financial returns and social impact.” Among OurCrowd’s portfolio of about 460 companies, those that have shown impressive growth include BioCatch (cybersecurity), whose technology detects and delivers advanced fraud protection through behavioural insights, innovative device fingerprinting and network analysis. OurCrowd invested early in the company back 2014 which just recently announced achieving a significant milestone of USD100 million ARR and reaching a unicorn status. BioCatch is one of the most successful companies in the OurCrowd portfolio. There is also Hailo (enterprise software), a semiconductor AI company that developed a proprietary microprocessor chip technology which is redefining the chip industry. “This was another great success story, OurCrowd was one of the first VCs who believed in the company and investing early at the A stage,” said Tzahi. The company just completed an oversubscribed USD120