July Edition 2024

22 Agri food technologies Clean technologies Low carbon economy technologies Clean transportation and mobility Climate resilient building and infrastructure Renewable energy, water and wastewater management Smart cities and smart mobility Environment protection technologies Health and biosciences Quantum computing technologies Canadian funding >> Click here Israeli funding In Israel, this call for proposals is offered through the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) >> Click here Israel-Canada Strategic Network (ICaN): ICaN is the main bilateral business platform for Israeli and Canadian innovative companies to engage and scale up. We provide flexible teams of business developers with analytical and entrepreneurial mindsets, to solve your toughest bilateral business challenges. With our clients, we craft and implement solutions with measurable results. No surprise then that leading companies invite us to serve as their strategic partner for relentless growth. VISION: Generating Bilateral Business Opportunities for Innovative People & CuttingEdge Technologies. MISSION: Helping Israeli and Canadian Entrepreneurs to GrowthUp & Drive Their Business Towards Bilateral Success, As A Launchpad for A Better Global Value Proposition! info@icanstrategy.com icanstrategy.com +972-52-9452142 benda-ican