July Edition 2024

20 investment, and supporting startups through various stages of growth. With resounding success stories like Shopify, Slack, SalesForce, Tauria, and more, Canada’s startup ecosystems are raising the bar. The Canadian startup ecosystem attractivity is based on these main elements 1. High performing entrepreneurs. 2. Attracting high quality foreign talent. 3. Market-oriented economic system. 4. High standard of living. 5. Native English language. 6. Proximity to the US market. 7. More than 50 bilateral trade agreements. Designated Stock Exchanges: The stock market is a captivating and complex entity that plays a vital role in the global economy. Among the numerous stock markets worldwide, the Canadian stock market stands as a significant player, renowned for its stability, diversity, and immense potential for investors. The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) and CBoe stands as of the most influential and prestigious stock exchanges in the world. As Canada’s foremost marketplace for trading equities, these stock exchanges play a pivotal role in the nation’s economy and serves as a gateway for companies to access capital and investors to participate in the growth of various industries. A Global Trade Nation Canada has always been a trading nation. From the early days of fur and fish to the present, when a remarkable ninety percent of our gross national product is attributable to exports and imports, Canadians have relied on international trade to bolster our economy. Canada currently has 15 FTAs with 51 different countries. Together, these agreements cover 1.5 billion consumers worldwide (61% of the world’s GDP). In addition to lowering and