July Edition 2024

19 There are several lessons that can be learned from the success story of the Israeli ecosystem 1. Countries can turn a difficult geo-political situation into an advantage. 2. Startups can transform a low productivity, developing economy into a high efficiency, developed economy. 3. The Israeli army became one of the world’s top startup accelerators by accident. Canada’s Startup Ecosystem Overview Canada’s startup scene is already impressive, but it has even more potential to tap. Considering the active approach by its efficient public sector to develop startup ecosystems, and a relative abundance of natural resources, Canada is fully able to take an even more substantial role in producing massive global hubs. The climate for entrepreneurship in Canada is promising, with attractive incentives like the Startup Visa Program (SVP), the Global Skills Strategy, and one of the most educated workforces in the world. In Ontario, the leading region of Canadian innovation, the public sector leads by example in developing robust startup ecosystems. The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) has been pivotal in these efforts, setting a high standard for economic development activities. Within Ontario, municipalities such as the City of Toronto, Waterloo, Hamilton, Brampton, and Mississauga are actively focused on the development of their local ecosystems. Their initiatives have been instrumental in attracting investments and nurturing business growth, demonstrating the province’s proactive approach to economic innovation. Beyond Ontario, other Canadian cities and regions have also made notable strides. Edmonton Unlimited and Calgary Economic Development in Alberta are standout examples. Moreover, Quebec’s vibrant startup scene is supported by Startup Montreal, an organization working toward making Montreal an attractive global startup destination. Other national initiatives, such as Startup Ecosystem Canada and Startup Canada, are also working to connect ecosystem stakeholders in the country. These entities have been fundamental in promoting their regions, attracting global