July Edition 2024

12 technology, offers opportunities for Canadian investors seeking innovations in precision agriculture, agronomy, food safety, and sustainable farming practices. Israel ranks second only to the US for private investment in the alternative protein section, accounting for nearly 10% of investment in the sector. OurCrowd is also active in this space and is well positioned to leverage Israel’s cutting-edge leadership in FoodTech through its network of entrepreneurs, scientists, third-party funds, and in-house food incubators. Offering to investor the opportunity to get diversified access to this sector and invest in a the OurCrowd FoodTech Fund.” Real Estate is still lucrative: investments more riskaverse “Although now facing market pressures, the Canadian real estate market has been stable and there have been large Israeli institutions which have successfully invested in Canadian real estate,” adds DLA’s Noam. “Traditional areas such as real estate continues to be attractive to foreign investors,” agrees Nili at Aird & Berlis. “Large cities across the nation provide lucrative investment opportunities yet are still more affordable than some of their counterparts in other countries. Canada also has well-established laws and regulations governing real estate transactions, making the investments much more risk-averse. As Canada’s population continues to grow, new areas are rapidly developing around central hubs and the market offers a wide array of investment options including retail, industrial, office or mixed-use spaces. Many retail, industrial, office or mixed-use spaces have long-term leases and guarantee consistent cash flow, making them attractive for investors and developers.” Healthcare: A prime target “If the Israeli company has the patience to deal with a slow-to-innovate sector that is in dire need of disruption, then the healthcare sector in Canada would be a prime target,” points out DLA’s Noam. Canada’s healthcare sector must innovate and expand to meet the needs of Canada’s growing population. Israel has excellent medical and healthcare technology that could help Canada rehabilitate its hospitals and healthcare system.” Tzahi at OurCrowd, agrees: “Israel has a robust healthcare ecosystem with advancements in medical technology, digital health solutions,