42 advertising by websites. In general, state privacy laws require notice to consumers and the opportunity for consumers to opt out of such processing of their personal data in these contexts. States with currently effective data privacy laws that regulate the use of AI technology, such as ADMT, involving personal data include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, Utah, Texas, Oregon, and Montana. Other states have similar laws that will go into effect in 2025. Takeaways Given the various laws applicable to AI that are currently in effect and those on the way, and the somewhat uncertain regulatory future, it is important that companies immediately assess their use of AI and evaluate their compliance obligations. Once an organization has mapped its AI uses, it should assess what laws may be applicable and develop programs for compliance. Organizations should consider whether to address AI uses in its privacy policies and terms of use, employee manuals and policies, vendor agreements, and information security programs. And, of course, organizations should continue to closely monitor regulatory developments.