April Edition 2024

62 3. Anchor ownership of products in an agreement - if you have collaborated with others in the work (employees, freelancers, friends, partners) it is highly recommended to anchor ownership of products in a clear written agreement, which determines, among other things, an obligation to create in accordance with the law and not violate the rights of third parties. 4. Make sure that you have not used protected content - Pay attention to trademarks, known figures, as well as names, illustrations and photographs of people - whether famous people (using the image of a famous person may violate their right of publicity) or private individuals (using the image of a private individual may violate their right to privacy). 5. Create clear work procedures and preventive internal policies in organizations - If the use of AI generators is intended for business purposes, you, as business owners, have the responsibility for your employees’ actions, and therefore it is very important to create clear work procedures that include your oversight of content created and the way it is created. In conclusion, as with any revolution, the artificial intelligence revolution, alongside the challenges and natural upheaval it brings, also creates new opportunities. Certain positions will disappear while new positions will be created. In order to take advantage of the enormous potential inherent in artificial intelligence, we must use it with wisdom and care. This article dealt with the question of protecting human creations, but perhaps the most important question is the question of protecting humanity. This sounds a bit dramatic, but this question has occupied many writers, creators and scientists in the last century. In this context, it can be said that the guidelines regarding creation using artificial intelligence are also valid for the general way of using it. If we abandon our human intelligence and surrender completely to autonomous artificial intelligence, we will give up our rights and degenerate. We must use artificial intelligence as a tool and as a means to achieve a goal, while using our intelligence and our personal and human abilities. Only in this way will we be able to grow and develop, and some would even say survive, the artificial intelligence revolution.