April Edition 2024

55 shifts, and regulatory changes. Global inflation characterized most of 2023, resulting in elevated interest rates and, consequently, increased borrowing costs for entities seeking to finance mergers and acquisitions. Increased regulatory scrutiny, particularly in the areas of anti-trust reporting and approvals, and foreign direct investment controls in many jurisdictions, also influenced the prevalence of M&A deals. Finally, stock markets had a rough time for a good chunk of the year, dragging down valuations and adding market uncertainty. These factors, among others, each played a part in the slowdown of M&A activities on the global level in 2023. Happily, in 2024, the M&A market is witnessing a cautious yet optimistic recovery, and many envision a resurgence in mergers and acquisitions moving forward, albeit with certain notable changes. For example, the dynamics of M&A deals have evolved, as lengthy and extended due diligence processes have become the norm, reflecting cautious investors, heightened internal and external financial scrutiny of businesses, and a greater focus on sustainable, long-term value creation. Another example stems from the regulatory landscape, with various merger control authorities worldwide having heightened their reporting and filing requirements, which adds certain conditions precedents to M&A deals which were not required in prior years. However, these factors have also led to more transparent and structured deal-making processes. Furthermore, market conditions have brought company valuations to more realistic levels, making M&As more accessible and attractive, and the anticipated wave of distressed M&As present unique opportunities for strategic acquisitions and growth. Conclusion - can Israel buck the trend? The Israeli M&A market stands at a crossroads in 2024, facing global economic headwinds and an ongoing war, yet buoyed by its robust hightech sector and strategic government policies. The nation’s ability to innovate, coupled with a global recognition of its technological prowess, positions Israel to bounce back from previous year’s global downturn in M&A activity, particularly in light of the reduced valuations of many Israeli high-tech companies. As such, and despite the global challenges, Israel’s M&A market has shown signs of remarkable resilience and potential for growth. The country’s strategic focus on sectors where it has a competitive advantage, such as technology and innovation, energy, and the defense industry, coupled with a favorable regulatory environment, positions it uniquely not just to weather the global downturn, but to further solidify its status as a global innovation leader and enable Israeli companies to leverage the opportunities posed by the current market.